Sunday, October 4, 2009

Gabe READ HIS FIRST WORD! Age four, October 3, 2009.

That is Gabe's first official read-it-all-by-himself word!
He was working on his letter Bb book this week, when he began to sound out one of the words all by himself. I wasn't watching--I just remember hearing him sound out B-i-G--and then yell, "BIG! IT SAYS 'BIG!'" I turned around and started to scream--he DID it, he sounded out a word all by himself:) How appropriate, the word BIG. My Gabe is getting so...BIG!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AWESOME JOB, GABE and teacher Mom!! You are doing a great job with the homeschooling, Stephanie. I can't wait to get together and I am sooo jealous we missed the Hinchley's trip (well, not THAT jealous since we were on VACATION!!!!) :-)